21 Nov

What is data analysis?

Data analytics is no longer an unknown term. Data analytics is simply collecting, organizing, analyzing and gaining useful insights from raw data. This is explained as the evaluation of Big Data, a large dataset containing business data, using functionalities and techniques specifically designed for that purpose. Such analysis transforms the organization into a more effectively managed entity. This is beneficial not only for the organization but also for those who choose data analytics as a career option. It has greatly changed the way businesses work nowadays. Python training institute provide best data analytics course in delhi.

The major challenges companies have to face with business

1. Handling Data - A Compass Gas

Managing and processing the data of any business or industry is a challenging task in itself, but at the same time it is extremely complex and difficult for skilled professionals to handle a large proportion of such data. This requires not only skilled personnel, but also the adoption of technologies and practices that can allow personnel to perform their work effectively and efficiently. This challenge can be overcome by using tools designed for analytics like Hadoop and Python.

2. Visual and Proper Representation

These analysts are not only trained on how to handle data, but also present it in a form that is easily readable and understandable by the audience. The challenges associated with visual representation can be overcome by using graphs and tables.


Data streaming in the organization is increasing day by day. Managing and storing this massive amount of data is becoming the most difficult challenge for the organization. The multiple layers that exist between databases are making it difficult and time-consuming for organizations for data traversal. But if the organization takes care of its architecture and technology then performance issues can be reduced and scalability can be enhanced.

4. Analysis of data and figures that belong to UNDERSTAND BIG DALALISIS

Organizations that have adopted the tools and techniques associated with big data analytics lack skilled personnel who have the understanding to deal with Big Data. The lack of skilled professionals (data analysts, business analysts, data scientists) is another challenge for any organization, regardless of the size and nature of the business unit. And this shortage has created great employment opportunities and this job has become quite attractive among the employed people.

5. Data Protection

If the organization is not able to secure the data in its data warehouse then the collection and organization will not be fruitful and profitable. Risk related to data security and privacy may lead to the risk of this data. As the amount of data increases, security concerns automatically increase. This is another challenge facing companies how to manage data without hindering security and privacy safeguards.

Data analytics course in Delhi provided by TGC India will help organizations overcome these challenges. For all those aspiring for a career as an analyst, just go and check the available courses and enroll to pursue this career.

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